Anyway, it's around 5pm, and my 8 year old is outside playing with his friends, and I'm standing at Empath Abby bank stocking up on regs. All of a sudden I hear this blood-curdling scream from out my window- yes, it's my son. He's managed to cut himself on GOD only knows what, and is running full tilt toward my door, with blood steaming down his arm. Ok, I'm a normal parent, so I was a little scared, but you remain calm in the eyes of the wounded child so as to hopefully (though it never works) calm them as well. We calmly (well, *I* was calm, he was in hysterics) walk into the bathroom to wash it off and see just how bad it is. We get it washed off and I realize that it is deep and long enough to require stitches- this brings on yet another high pitched sreaming session... ice wrapped in a cold wash-cloth held over the "scratch" and we're off to the hospital to see about some stiches (and maybe some valium?) Now, the hospital here leaves a great deal to be desired... think of the show "The Dukes of Hazzard"... now imagine that Hazzard County is in Pennsylvania (cuz we don't talk with southern accents)... now, stick a hospital in that little podunk town: there you have Wayne Memorial Hospital. We sit. We wait. We sit some more. We wait some more. FINALLY we get our stitches and can go. Now, of COURSE we can't come straight home after getting 3 WHOLE stitches! NO, no, no... we have to go get ice cream because I'm a good mommy. Finally, finally we get home, we get a bath, and we get him in bed. I get myself a cup of coffee and sit down at my computer, type in the password to my screensaver and, Oh, look! UO! I'm still on with Dalia... and..........she's dead? LOL
Oh yes... very dead. Dead as dead can be. Eaten by my own little dragon who went wild after MANY hours of not being fed and just standing there like a bump on a log while my little character still rooted through her bank box. LOL Too funny, right? I mean, I actually did laugh about it. I mean, who'd a thunk it, right? The thought never crossed my mind after I heard my child screaming, so I'm not at all upset, even at myself. I checked back through my journal just to be sure as to what happened, and sure enough "Myst can roam free again!" "*breathes fire*" blah, blah, blah....dead. Apparently he'd had enough of me ordering him around and Guards must have killed him, and then he, and my corpse decayed... so oh well, my bad luck.
I would, however, like to ask of anyone, if they might have any items which they might be willing to lend, trade, give which might help me out... I had a total of +10 to taming, animal lore and camping buffs, +6 on invocation, and +4 on healing. Along with quite a few other very nice items...
*** NO, I do NOT expect you all to replace things I lost because of my own carelessness! *** I was just wondering if anyone might have any lesser Bensons lying around that they wouldn't mind helping someone out with? Heck, even a +2 lore gloves would be useful at this
At any rate, just wanted anyone who may have tried messaging me to know that I wasn't ignoring you, I simply was NOT even at my computer. And with a very good reason. A game is a game. Kids and family always take precedence, so I really couldn't care less what I "lost" in taking my child to the hospital... after all, it's just a game, right?

** Forgot to add this: remembered when Aislin asked me in-game- I have a yoink macro set up which does .grab every 30 seconds or so because I tend to forget to loot the critters my dragon kills... so it kept going every 30 seconds and didn't let me get kicked for being idle... THAT macro hit the recycle bin right after I posted this...LOL. And, as I said to her in game "Oh well, ya live and learn right? Er... actually that'd be ya DIE and learn, eh?" LOL