Johan the master stealther and magic oil

Okay.. this mysterious stealther type showed up at the bank this evening (ques it was morning for most of you...). He told us that he has been sneaking upon the shabooli fortress and some dungeons, finding out the evil plans of the shaboolies. He told us about some "traveller" who Shaboolies will meet someday..and about stupidity of their race.."I can heard them sneaking over mile away" and so on.. he told also about shabooli spies or scouts (can't remember which one) sneaking around the britain..and about some green armored allies of shaboolies. (Can't remember everything he told, sorry..)
Anyway he asked us for some help getting a magic oil from Yew Crypts (said it will help against the shaboolies). So.. there was 14 of us..can't remember all but at least: Azzo, Strade, Gorand, Argyll, Ciara, Pedro and me and 7 others can't remember..sorry. So... we went to Yew Crypts and found tons of vampires (knights, mages etc., undeads (lichs, lich lords, ghosts, skeletons & skeletal assasins, spectres etc.) and some mages (evil mages, necromancers and so on..) We had some casualities, because our group fall apart for some reason and there was also one "really evil mage" named Alma if I remember correct. She killed some of our great warriors, but she fell fast by our furious rage and some e-bolts were casted on her too.
After our great battle we returned back to the bank and I gave the magic oil (actually it wasn't named as "magic oil", can't remember the real I call it magic oil) to Johan, and he said that he knows what to do with it and we can't help him with that, lone wolf mission seems so
. Now, we lay in wait...and keep our eyes open for more information and return of Johan to tell how the situation evolves.
Who is the traveller? What is the alliance between the green armored men/women and Shaboolies? What does Johan do with this mysterious magic oil?
We can only ques..
Ayalx Xandermaya, Chaos Guard
Anyway he asked us for some help getting a magic oil from Yew Crypts (said it will help against the shaboolies). So.. there was 14 of us..can't remember all but at least: Azzo, Strade, Gorand, Argyll, Ciara, Pedro and me and 7 others can't remember..sorry. So... we went to Yew Crypts and found tons of vampires (knights, mages etc., undeads (lichs, lich lords, ghosts, skeletons & skeletal assasins, spectres etc.) and some mages (evil mages, necromancers and so on..) We had some casualities, because our group fall apart for some reason and there was also one "really evil mage" named Alma if I remember correct. She killed some of our great warriors, but she fell fast by our furious rage and some e-bolts were casted on her too.
After our great battle we returned back to the bank and I gave the magic oil (actually it wasn't named as "magic oil", can't remember the real I call it magic oil) to Johan, and he said that he knows what to do with it and we can't help him with that, lone wolf mission seems so

Who is the traveller? What is the alliance between the green armored men/women and Shaboolies? What does Johan do with this mysterious magic oil?
We can only ques..
Ayalx Xandermaya, Chaos Guard