Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Seems to be the case hon... don't macro. They are right, you are wrong. What they say goes.
Celeste you're so full of S%*!. Where did anyone say that things are the way they are because they said so. I've been playing here longer than most people have and not ONCE has any Admin approached and ask me for permission to do anything. Drocket and Laephis clearly stipulated that WoD's policy is not one that favors macroing. That's the way it was at the beginning and that's the way it'll continue to be till this shard dies. Why can't you just accept that there is no conspiracy and that the majority of people seem to agree with the shard's official policy?
OPEN YOUR EYES AND FACE THE FACTS. Some guy comes here and says he's a macroing. Of course, there are some people who are going to offer their opinion about the subject (whether warranted or not). So you don't agree. Too bad, I don't make the shard's policy AND NEITHER DO YOU. We all know you used to be an Admin on your shard. Maybe there you could dictate how things are going to be. Well guess what, your opinion is worth no more than mine here. Neither you or nor I get to decide what WoD's policy, get used to it.
Oh, jeez, am I bashing now? I think not. Look at the mentality here people...
Yes, we form our own opinions and we are not afraid to voice them loud enough for you to hear. You don't like it? Go to some other country where people don't speak their minds. This is America. We have freedom speech to express ourselves.
he didn't do anything wrong, yet was persecuted for it... But I suppose he's whining now, right?
Persecuted? What the hell are babbling about? Who persecuted him? What did they do to him??? Someone played a prank joke on him in-game and most people agreed that was reprehensible and inappropiate. Does that mean we have to agree with him about macroing too? And in case you didn't notice, Laephis (an Admin) told him exactly why he got disconnected. He didn't like it. Too bad, he doesn't get to choose how this shard is run.
You guys are funny...
You are ridiculous.
The staff and/or admin of WoD is not, nor has it ever been the problem.
Then why do you have a problem with what the staff has said?
The problem herein lies with those whos mentality seems to permeate these forums, and infect the other members of the player base with their narrow-minded "we-are-always-right-because-we-have-been-here-the-longest" attitudes.
The only narrowmindedness I see here is coming from you. You are the one that
must always right (or else). I never once have heard you apologize for those things that you said about our admins. Never once did you retract your statement that WoD players were bad because they didn't replace your items after you manage to lose them all on your own. I tend to see a pattern here, what Celeste says goes or else it's a conspiracy. Just listen to your crap for a second. I'd be willing to bet there are new players who agree macroing is downright cheesy. What about them? How do they fit into your oldbie conspiracy?
Change is a good thing, people. New ideas are a good thing. Speaking up when you see something which is inherently wrong is a good thing.
Not all change is good and not all ideas are great. If you feel something is wrong, then by all means speak out against it. I feel macroing detracts from a player's playing experience. And despite your all your protests I have the right to believe so and speak out against it. What is truly WRONG is to make up some ridiculous consipiracy theory just because people happen to think differently that you do. Yeah, news flash Celeste, people have opinions different than yours and they have the right to state them. You cannot and WILL NOT silence us with that conspiracy garbage of yours.
The only bashing that took place in this thread was from those players claiming to "adamantly defend" their home- to this there was no need.
So there is no need for me to say "yeah what that player did to you is clearly wrong, but btw, macroing is wrong too." I suppose I'm not allowed to say the latter because Celeste says I shouldn't. Just who died and made YOU queen?
Everyone take a deep breath and re-read his original post and try to look at it objectively
You are the one that's not looking at this objectively. Let's look at the facts. A player comes here and states he was attacked while afk. Is anyone saying that was right? Is anyone saying he deserves it and commending the guy that did it? Of course not. However, Oin also said that it happened while he was deliberately macroing in a public area (which is ALSO against the rules, a fact your non-objective self seems to be ignoring). Macroing has always been a touchy issue in this shard. If you proclaim to the entire shard that you macro and even describe with luxury of detail how you do it, do you honestly expect people who hate macroing to give you a friggin' medal for it? Like Laephis said, nicely done.