*Mhoram Variol*
I was speaking with Tre en this evening and we are both VERY concerned about the current condition of our Guild.
When last we met, we were discussing Mage Trials, a new name, the loss of a couple of members, the return of Greywolfe, some neat donations that were to be given away etc etc etc. Since that time we have tried to schedule 2 more meetings, and in both cases, we have had no one show up.
We need to have an all-out Upstart Meeting to discuss this situation. All Upstarts and anyone interested in becoming an Upstart are encouraged to attend.
Please advise if this coming Tuesday (10-14-03) at 10pm EST or the following Tuesday (10-21-03) at 10pm EST is better.
It's our Guild, folks. We cannot continue it as it has been going lately. We NEED to hear from all of you so we know what direction we are taking.
Thanks for your attention.