by simon on Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:05 pm
I'm really fond of the AoS style crafting system as I’ve been calling it. I like the scales that can used to get a different color, also not all ingots are the same, and you do get better armor and weapons from better ingots.
After doing a few BODs I had enough ingots left over, to build me a nice suit of armor, and for some reason I was really happy with it. The whole system felt more interactive to me. From the pickaxe getting 50 uses, 1 ore per use it seams, to the smithy hammers having 50 uses too, and because you could only carry so much weight you had to return to town to replace the tools.
I really like the way crafting works in that, for every item you have less of a chance to make an exceptional item then a normal one, and it tells you what that chance is, i.e. 100% chance for normal and 78% chance for exceptional.
Right now its all about magic’s, but with some work I think blacksmithing and mining could be reworked so that players have a chance to craft great weapons, which overall gives the player a better feeling then finding or buying a good magic item I think.