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Branubians & Shabooli's east of Britain again...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 12:46 am
by Sheena
Yesterday while hunting with my two henchmen-recruits - east of East Britain - I ran right into a fresh "arrival" of a unit of Branubians and Shabooli. While I managed to escape their clutches my two latest henchmen died bravely fighting.
Right at this time there was fierce fighting of Mountain Trolls at the Despise Pass, so I was indeed fortunate that Cathavene and Fitzchivary heeded my call for help. We managed to eventually kill all the outbreak, but my henchmen were no longer able to be rescued and most of their items lost.

I wish to wholeheartedly thank Cathavene and Fitzchivary for their kindness in helping this person in need, against the evil foe amongst us presently.
