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Snorcs in East Britain

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:35 pm
by Ravenna
Wow! That was crazy...and it still isn't over. A lot of us died out there trying to push the snow orcs back. Once we all grouped up together things went much better.

While fighting, I found a few items that belonged to other players and placed them in a bag in my inventory. Unfortunately, I died and I can't remember if I had .owned the bag or not.

Anyway, it's a purplish bag filled with hides, a couple magic items (not id'd), and a few items dropped by players: Belle's staff and Alwrin's studded helm. It also had over 10k gold I'd collected this morning. If anyone finds the bag, I'd really like to have it back, but at least give Belle and Alwrin their things back. :)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:25 pm
by Ravenna
Update: Someone returned my bag, thank you :) Alwrin's cap was still in it, so I placed that in L&F. Sorry Belle, your staff wasn't in there. I'm hoping someone put it into L&F for you.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:22 pm
by Wolfie
some of us went out after the split to search for missing items and we found a couple packs of snorcs on a peninsula
found a bunch of belle's stuff, a few of azaron's, and fred's shirt

**Fred, I found those other 3 bags you lost, they're not owned but they've got the stuff you mentioned