New Vendors!!!
Sat Jun 26, 2004 8:28 am
by Rocks Silivan
I have just placed and stocked several vendors at my home in Nujelm(north of Nujelm Bank).We have druid/regs,raw regs, and many different kinds of decorations.Also,we have many kinds of potions to chose from.So, come visit us in Nujelm!
Also,soon to come many more vendors.
Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:10 am
by Rocks Silivan
I've just added a new vendor to my home in Nujelm. Its is called Survival Stuff which sells many of the stuff you need to survive and need for hunts. If you need a gate to my home in Nujelm feel free to msg when i am on.
Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:10 am
by Rocks Silivan
I've just added a new vendor to my home in Nujelm. Its is called Survival Stuff which sells many of the stuff you need to survive and need for hunts. If you need a gate to my home in Nujelm feel free to msg when i am on.