Breamus Clair,Belle Remmings and myself(Ki'Anna Stydoran)were sitting in Belle's Magincia home when Breamus and Belle spotted a red named Corona and his fire elems(I was afk at the moment)Upon my returning we buffed up to search for Corona.We discovered him on the beach.He had a small army of minions with him(fire elems and hell hounds)We fought our way through his minions to get to him but he disappeared we could do any serious damage to him.We thought it best to search the rest of the town to see if we could find where he ran off to.We had checked most of the town when a message came to our minds.It was Corona mocking us that Compassion was now his.Well this simply won't happen so long as one single warror remains to fight.
Belle messaged Scott Myr for assistance as Breamus switched to his assassin extraordinaire Drogh-Yien Dunver.We summoned Scott as well as Elwen Dragonfire,buffed and opened a gate to the Fellowship Hall.
Slowly we made our way to the desert where we were almost immediately greeted by numerous more minions of Corona's.Half way through the desert we were joined by Fitz,who Belle had summoned to aid us.All we went till we reached the shrine.There we found more gargoyles,hell hounds,sand elems and fire skeletons as well as some funky look fellas named bizarre gargoyles.Our tanks fought well as Belle and I did our best to keep them healed,but alas the multitudes of chain lightnings proved to much and one by one the tanks fell(:()With even more determination we pushed on to make Corona pay for he had done.At the shrine we were joined by Byouki,Mark Sinch Vincent Macleod and Tradem.Our now larger group quickly cleared the desert but no sign of Corona.Suddenly,as we discussed our next strategy,one by one Xanderbaric attempted to take control of our minds as we were surrounded by evil clones of ourselves.They kept comig over and over for what seemed liked ages.One by one we vanquished them,then we spotted him,Xanderbaric himself!! We attacked but he vanished into thin air sneering at us that his day would come soon.Then still more and more evil minions of his attacked.They soon fell to us as we laughed was that the best he could do.Then as quickly as he had appeared and disappeared before he was able to reappear.Again we attacked,but nothing was able to destroy the evil mage who once again made his escaped.
With no more sign of him we headed to the bank to allow of brave warriors to be able to pay their death taxes.
I fear we haven't seen the last of this evil mage and till he is able to be somehow destroyed,no one in Brittania is safe.