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anyone know how to make cheese?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 3:28 pm
by kello
as title, anyone know? :?:
i check the Manual :shock: and i can't find the way to make it :cry: , and also the way to makeing the raw sausage too, :|
is the Manual is incomplete? :?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:59 pm
by Atei
To make cheese: have cloth and pitchers of milk (make sure there is milk in your pitchers!) in your pack and double-click the grinder.

To make raw sausage: have raw ribs in your pack and double-click the grinder.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:49 pm
by kello
Thank you, :) Atei, i try in many way, :cry: but i dunno it needs cloths, lol :lol:

Re: anyone know how to make cheese?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:34 pm
by Bayn
kello wrote:as title, anyone know? :?:
i check the Manual :shock: and i can't find the way to make it :cry: , and also the way to makeing the raw sausage too, :|
is the Manual is incomplete? :?

Atei has it right but the Manual does need better crossreferencing in areas. However, if you type cheese and hit Go! in the left hand search box, one of your results is the Cooking page. At the bottom of the page is the following:

"Cheese What good is pizza without cheese? You don't have to buy it anymore, just get a pitcher of milk and a piece of cloth. With those in your main backpack, use a mill to make the cheese. "

Same page has the method for making raw sausage.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:37 pm
by kello
Ooh :shock: ! I missed it! :cry: SORRY!! :roll: