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Prophets & Angry Townspeople

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:22 am
by Cathavene
I logged in today and headed towards my home in Maginicia when i ran into a small group of angry townspeople and their cohorts. Needless to say i backtrack as I was unbuffed. I quickly buffed and ran back. Among them were 2 prophets. Was this a remnant from an earlier battle? Anyway, I found a note on one of the prophets. Here is what it said:

The Prophet wishes it known that he has struck an alliance. We will soon be joined by new brothers in our struggle. The ends of our trials are in our grasp! To the cause!


P.S. Who is the notekeeper these days?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:25 am
by Cathavene
Heh..posted in the wrong place..I will move it to quest forum...sorry..