by Leia Ranar on Fri Jul 04, 2003 9:44 pm
I was helping my son learn of jobs when i received a message inviting me to join a group in Yew crypt.
Many were there when i arrived. Red white and blue undead of all types were coming towards them. Quickly i equipted my mace and joined in the battle. At first it was slow moving, but soon we cleared a few rooms and thinned out our enemy and we were moving with ease.
After a long but very enjoyable battle we stood above the scattered bodies of our enemy.
A note was discovered. It read:
From the Staff of WoD, Happy Independence Day. We all hope your 4th not a dead one.... and above all we hope you enjoyed this quest asa with the rest of your time in WoD!!!!
The Staff
Thank you to a Wonderful Staff for all the fun- Not just today but everyday!!!! You are the best!!!!!