*as Tommy Michaels, Master Bard/Mage*
Entry 2
When are we going to find out what's really going on? What are those infernal snow orcs hiding? There has got to be something nastier than what is being thrown at us. I just hope that I can help if and when it shows up. I don't know if Orion is going to be able to keep going like this. He tells me that he is fine but I can see it on his face. He's pushing himself too hard.
The rest of Orion's family are away from this land right now. His nephew, Carlos, Chaos Guard left Julia and Mina behind. They won't help without a direct order from that former Vamp/Necromancer. He left following his father and Orion's brother Noiro, Master Assassin, in hopes to try and find out what evil plans he was trying to hatch. Rumor around Moonglow is that he was planning to meet with Marius the Black. I don't know why Orion lets him stay here. Maybe it's the fact that Noiro is his younger brother. I don't trust Noiro at all.
Orion had just finished clearing the Moonglow Graveyard...
and let me know that he was heading off to Troll Town to do another sweep. That's the last I heard from him for a long while. He had priorities from the All-Powerful "R" "L" to take care off. He showed up just before he had to leave again. When he came back from that he sat down with me and told me the story of what happened.
Orion: I just got done killing a Troll Lord and Warlord when Azalin Darkfire sent me a call for help. Apparently the d**n snorcs decided to try and invade Trinsic. Darien had to leave and they were having trouble pushing the Orcs back from the west gate to the city.
Tommy: (sarcastically) And you, being the man you are, went off to help.
Orion: You know me too well. I gated into the Adventurers' Guild and ran to the gate. There was an Ice Fiend there leading a large group of denizens of Ice. Holding them back were Azalin and a new warrior I had not met yet, Kershalt. The three of us were able to beat them back, splitting their invading army in two.
Tommy: I take it you were using your new crossbow on the fiend and other casters?
Orion: As much as I could. They got a little smarter tonight. Have I mentioned that I hate being turned into a frog?
Tommy: Once or Twice.
Orion: Anyway. We started off to the north and noticed that there was another brave warrior, Art Shekle the Ranger and his Dragon fighting on the other side. He took much of the same role I took during my first encounter a couple of days ago, keeping the snorcs confused while a bigger group takes on more of them. He was very skilled and fought well, when we saw him.
Tommy: So then what happened? I know I heard the death cries of some of the names you mentioned.
Orion: All three of us were making mistakes. Like moving too far forward and bringing too much upon us. I was able to handle it a little better because of my Healing skills but if there was a caster, I really had to watch. I also could swear that those Destroyers were hitting much harder than before. Azalin had too many locked on and a strange force prevented running away. Azalin fell. Kershalt and I went into a rage and destroyed the murderers. Luckily Art showed up to help. We ressed Azalin and continued on.
Tommy: All three of you?
Orion: Actually, Azalin needed time to re-armor and kershalt was without a steed, (Azalin was too,) so I headed on. While I was fighting alone I heard Kershalts death cry ring out. I ran to his last known location and used my wand of life on him. That thing hasn't been used since the Branubian invasion. It was covered in dust!
Tommy: That's kinda funny.
Orion: Just before we went south, I came across an Ice Fiend, by myself. I tried to fight it, then I started hopping. GargoyleSlayer sprang into action and started wailing on the demon! I almost renamed him right then and there.
Tommy: Soooo... you were never in any real danger?
Orion: Kinda. When we went south, I pulled a bunch on me, not seeing the master mages. I ran when I was almost toast (1 hit point in game terms.) I got lucky.
Tommy: Orion. You HAVE to be more careful. You aren't as young as you used to be.
Orion: I had people watching my back. Azalin and Kershalt fought well. "R" "L" called and we left a small group of them across a river, unthreatening to the town but anyone on that side of the river will have to be careful. Anyway, I'm beat. G'night
As Orion headed to his chamber I couldn't help but wonder. Why does he push himself? What does he have to prove? Will he be ready when the time comes that the snorcs or wintermaster unleash their secret weapon? What implications will Noiro's meeting have and will Carlos get himself killed trying to find out? I feel that the snow orcs could be the least of Orion's worries.
There's a storm coming in.
*signs, dates and closed the journal*