Great tip, Eldric! I never thought to look there.
That section could very easily be chaged to require/consume an inkwell or something thereby making it something players could and should do on a regular basis. I would guess the reason it's restricted to those with cmd.level higher than "player" is so that we players don't just go hog wild creating copy after copy of tons of books thereby increasing the item count.
There's no POL limitation as far as I can see that prevents it from creating perfect copies of our favorite books. In fact, with a little tweaking, it could be set up so that the better your inscription, the more pages you can copy...thereby creating the skill progression thing that makes RPG's oh so fun
Maybe there could be a quest of some kind whereby the ability for players to makes these copies could be introduced. BTW, can we buy inkwells from scribes along with blank books or is that all in my imagination?[/code]