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Hearts Memories

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 5:28 am
by Adonis
I chat with my heart at times
It feels happy or sad within
things concealed and hidden

I cannot erase her even for an instant
her scent touch or voice
looking upon her face beautiful
her movments with life and grace
to close my eyes in distraught wishes
that will be within my heart

As my heart watches you from afar
your eyes glowing as the brightest star
she walks thru my heart with each step
knowing the truths my heart aches
but those are yesterdays let them be away

Ones heart a majestic palace of forever
does it callous knowing your fate
sharing its deepest secrets of love
my souls reply with hidden thoughts
secrets of deepest feelings flow
surrounds my heart with phantasms
invisibly calling her name
I whiper my love I cry once more

Tears drift into my dreams
memories that are mine one more time
talking with my heart my mind reveals
the truths of a heart that aches

Where is my other half is there another
its hidden in the unknown of her heart
her smile awakens memories of wonder
love makes us live with joy

One day I chatted with my heart

Re: Hearts Memories

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 11:14 pm
by ShadowStone
That seriously brought a tear to my eye man...your talent for writing and poetry is just amazing.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 11:22 pm
by Marius the Black

I feel inspired to display my own poetry now, though I wonder if it would be met with the same reception?


PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 2:59 am
by Ehran
idle curiousity adonis how old are you?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 3:22 am
by Adonis
Hail Shadowstone, Marius, Ehram

I at times love to write and not always is it
full of joy. This one I felt did say many things
if one takes the time to read it.
Thank you Shadowstone, one always likes to hear
what others think of there works.

Marius more then happy to see yours and read it.

Eharn haha not nice but I most likely am one of the
oldest if not the oldest person playing here. If you really want to know its posted in couple of places.

I even like it when people get the message, or feel one of thier own after reading one of mine.

With this kind of nice words I may take time to
wite another or two. :)