by Aluviel on Tue Dec 02, 2003 11:23 pm
It all started out as a nice day so Natael decided she was to try her hand at fishing. what better way to do that then with nets! well she knew she was not strong in any fashion enough to kill the evil that spawns with them. so decided to ask her fellow people at the bank if they would like to join in. alas it was midday (lunch) and all the people had more pressing issues to attend (work) so she messaged a friend by the name of Adonis. he happily agreed. together they got a boat and beggan to sat sail. after having wrecked the boats fresh paint job along the coast a few times learning to drive natael and adonis finally made it to sea. Natael happily dropped her net in. catching nothing at first. then catching one or two good batches of monsters. adonis quickly dispatched those and natael threw in her net again. this time alot more spawned then normal. natael being weak and with no fighting used one of her potions to disapear. adonis began to fall and natael was worried and tried to steer the ship clear of them. having failed adonis got knocked unconcious. while trying to find a way out of the mess her potion wore off. she tried to stear the ship but the ship wouldnt respond so she drank her last potion in hopes of giving enough time to think of a way out of this mess. but alas the monsters liked the ship and decided to stay until it to wore off and natael got knocked unconcious as well. wolfy and scott (scoot) Myr came to the rescue and revived natael. she steered the ship almost to britain before running into another and getting knocked unconcious again. once both were revived and on shore they gathered their belongings. adonis going to pay his taxes and natael to try to summon the brother of her dead alchemists monkey who faught valiantly to defend her. she gathered the last of her supplies from the bank and failed upon making the elixer. she gathered her money and went to buy more supplies, failed at making the monkey and fell unconcious again at the door steps of the healers. some goodhearted people donated to the monkey fund and at last after becoming a male temporarily natael had her monkey back and wandered back to her house and locked the door. not to come out again for another month. so all in all i think she had a good day, wrecked adonis's boat, knocked him out once, and knocked herself out about 3 or 4 times in a row and now has a nice new red monkey to talk to in her cave.