I had a thought. What if warrior characters had a sort of "ability" where they could enter a state of "berserk"? Kinda like a Nature's Blessing, and adding a little more "punch" to their hits. It should probably lower tactics a bit though, since a true berserk state doesn't offer increased accuracy, just a kind of rage that makes you hit harder when you DO connect. After the ability's duration, though, the character would lapse into unconsciousness for a given period, in which normal health regen, etc. would cease... <--- hehe, thought of that to off-set people wanting to use it constantly. Basically, the benfits of using it don't really out-weight the penalties incurred after it's duration has ended, but in a pinch it would work nicely. Also thought of a possible "ability" that would let warrior types regen health a bit faster than normal, kinda like a mage's meditation... I know, I know, there's already healing potions and camping, and healing spells... it's just a thought. Maybe a good one, maybe a bad one, but I just HAVE to get these things outta my head because they are taking up valuable space otherwise occupied by fresh, healthy air.