by Drocket on Tue Nov 04, 2003 8:17 am
Its actually pretty simple. First you need an NPC to play Santa. Not all NPC scripts can use the quest system. I generally tell the WoD seers to stick to merchants and guards: they're generally the safest (in terms of 'I guarantee they'll always work'.) A guard would probably be pretty good for santa.
Once you have your NPC set up (dressed and all that), key '.keyword' and target the NPC. Press the 'Add New Keyword' button and enter 'quest'. That's the word that Santa will listen for. It'll then ask you to enter Santa's reply. That's all there is to entering a new keyword. You can enter as many of them as you want to. You can add an item to the keyword too by pressing the appropriate button: When the NPC hears that keyword, he'll give his little speech, then hand out the item. If you tell the NPC to hand out a container, instead of giving the container, he'll instead give out one of the items in the container.
Next is the list: create the item you want to use as the list (non-stackable), type '.questitem' and target it. You'll get a similar menu to the last one. Press the 'Assign Deliver-to' button and target Santa. You'll then get some more options, such as 'Set Deliver speech' (what Santa will say when you give the item to him) and assorted options for giving out rewards.